Defined By Excuses?

Excuses. Aristotle said, “Men acquire particular quality by constantly acting in a particular way.” Is the life being led NOW a testament to the self freely following the heart? Will the story of life be one of excuses? The life NOW is all one has so will it be defined by excuses or freedom?

Blaming others or even tools for failed outcomes? The excuse is simply action resulting from a thought of fear. When a plan or task doesn’t go as expected blaming the tools or others involved is an excuse blocking growth. If poor results are due to another then the positive outcome cannot be credited to self.

Fear is the fertilizer for denial. If one denies the truth of the lion 6 feet away does the lion cease to exist? No! Perspective can change the outcome of any situation. If thinking “can’t” then one will not. No person wants to be wrong. The mind finds ways to prove words correct so be careful which words and thoughts are used.


Most of the time in life the word “can’t” is a great excuse. That is if the goal is to run from work, running from results and the happiness of harvest then “can’t” is fantastic!

NOW is all about action. What can be done NOW to get closer to living the life one’s heart most desires? Most people think to do a thing requires knowing how and having resources. Thinking of “how” leads to knowledgeable partners, funds or some ideal situation. Thinking “how” often is the ultimate tool in defining one’s excuses.

It’s been said before thinking can be dangerous. Especially when used to develop great excuses! NOW isn’t about How, Where, or with whom. NOW is about doing what can be done, about action.

How many times have the hearts desires been walked away after citing the “reasons”, also known as excuses, for the can’t situation? What opportunity, project, desire of the heart has been abandoned due to circumstances or situation? Especially the time and/ or money excuse.

Want to know a secret? No one has enough time or money to achieve all that the heart desires. Even the most successful billionaires have dreams without the time and money freedom to buy. At the moment NOW with every thought and action are steps moving towards what the heart longs for or proving that can’t is the truth?

Learning to put away excuses and becoming more productive with each moment NOW is simple. What does the billionaire have that is so special? More importantly what the billionaire does not have is excuses.

What the heart craves the most will never become reality while allowing excuses NOW. How is determined after actions have been taken. Everyone knows the universal truth that what is focused on expands.

Make the most of each moment focused not on what stands in the way of pursuing that deep gnawing desire of the heart. Rather focused on what step no matter how small can be made towards a truly, free life NOW. Make the most of each moment letting the little steps NOW lead to bigger steps and a larger faster life stride.

Most people do not waste time doing terrible things; but instead, waste it engaged in good and acceptable activities. Will the eulogist say, “They led a good and acceptable life” or “Here lies a great person who lived a life of more freedom and passionate happiness than any other”?

If the heart craves something more than NOW present in life then do not allow fear to create excuses keeping dreams from becoming reality. The consequences of not living at one’s best NOW can be enormous.